School Meals

Kitchen Oct2016

At Elson Junior School we believe that the best option for children at lunchtimes is to have the hot school dinner, provided through our partnership with Hampshire County Council Education Catering Services.  This is because we believe that the hot school dinner option is much better for the children’s learning and health.  This is a view endorsed by Public Health England.

We recognise the evidence that states:

  • Children are better prepared for learning if they eat well
  • Children make more progress if they have eaten the right nutritional lunch
  • Only 1% of packed lunches provide the correct nutrition
  • Eating hot dinners together is an important social occasion and the children will benefit from being able to socialise in a relaxed manner while eating well

The school lunch provides one third of all the nutrients that children require through the week.  Hampshire County Council Education Catering Services produce menus which turn on a three-weekly cycle and are available on their website for parents to view.

Our school caterers are award-winning caterers, managed by Hampshire County Council Education Catering, formerly known as HC3S.  Visit the pages on their website for their menus and other information.  You can also keep up-to-date by following them on social media.

Hampshire County Council Education Catering website

Please see the information provided by Hampshire County Council Education Catering Services regarding school meals by clicking on the links below:

No Junk Food

Healthier than you think





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